Saving a Plot as a File in Matlab
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to save the image of a plot created in Matlab as a digital file.
It's simple and fun, so let's get started.
Imagine we've just conjured up a beautiful plot using the peaks() command.
>> peaks()
This nifty little function generates a mesmerizing 3D plot of a two-variable function right before our eyes.
Now, let's capture this piece of art as an SVG image file.
>> print -dsvg example1.svg
The print function creates the file example1.svg in the Matlab working directory.
To save our creation as a PNG image, we simply modify the command.
>> print -dpng example1.png
Alternatively, you can save a plot using the saveas() function.
>> saveas(1, "example2.png");
The end result is the same.
You can find the files you just created in the Matlab working directory on your computer or in the cloud if you're using Matlab online.
The files you just created are image files (PNG or SVG) and can be opened with any graphic software (e.g., Photoshop, Gimp, etc.).