
Converting a structure into a cell array in Octave

In this lesson, I will explain how to convert a structure to an array of cells in Octave using the function struct2cell().

Let me provide you with a practical example.

Create a structure that contains arrays.

C = struct('exam',{'Math', 'Latin', 'Science'},'grade',{97,60,78})

This is a structure of arrays with two fields (subject and grade) and three records within it.

Exam grade
Math 97
Latin 60
Science 78

To convert the structure into a cell array, use the function struct2cell()

The function takes only one parameter, the variable that contains the structure of arrays.

Type D=struct2cell(C)

>> D=struct2cell(C);

The variable D creates an array of cells containing data from the structure.

For instance, type D(1,1,:)(:) to view the data of the first row of the cell array.

>> D(1,1,:)(:)
ans =
[1,1] = Math
[2,1] = Latin
[3,1] = Science

Type D(2,1,:)(:) to view the data in the second row of the cell array.

>> D(2,1,:)(:)
ans =
[1,1] = 97
[2,1] = 60
[3,1] = 78

This method allows you to convert any structure into a cell array in Octave.

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