The exponential function in Octave
In this lesson I'll explain how to use the exponential function on Octave.
What is the exponential function? The exponential function is the function $$ f(x)=e^x $$ The base of the power is the number e=2.7183, while x is the independent variable. The exponential function is defined for every real number. It is an increasing function and is equal to 1 for x=0.
In Octave there is a special function for writing the exponential function. It is the function exp(x)
I'll give you some practical examples
Type exp(1).
The result is Nepero's number because e1=2.7183.
>> exp(1)
ans = 2.7183
You can also get the same result by typing e^1
>> e^1
ans = 2.7183
Now, type exp(0)
The result is 1 because e0=1
>> exp(0)
ans = 1
You also get the same result by typing e^0
>> e^0
ans = 1
Now, type exp(-1)
The result is an even smaller number, because ex tends to zero as x→-∞
>> exp(-1)
ans = 0.36788
You can get the same result by typing the power e^(-1)
>> e^(-1)
ans = 0.36788