lettura simple

Creating an array with a sequence of values in Octave

In this lesson I'll explain how to create a sequence of increasing or decreasing numbers in an array variable of Octave.

To create a sequence of numbers you have to indicate three parameters: the beginning (START), the increment or decrement (STEP) and the end (STOP) separated from each other.
the numerical sequence is defined with three parameters: START STEP and STOP
The step information (increment or decrement) is optional. If it is missing, Octave defaults to a pitch equal to 1. Alternatively, you can also use functions linspace() e logspace().

I'll give you a practical example.

To create an array with a sequence of integers from 1 to 10 type v=1:10

>> v=1:10
v =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

In this case the step is missing because the sequence is defined only by two values START=1 and STOP=10

The end result is the same as you get by v=1:1:10

>> v=1:1:10
v =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

To create a vector with only odd numbers you must indicate STEP=2.

Type the command v=1:2:10

>> v=1:2:10
v =
1 3 5 7 9

To create an array with even numbers change the start of the sequence START = 2 and indicate the increment STEP = 2.

Type v=2:2:10

>> v=2:2:10
v =
2 4 6 8 10

If you want to obtain a decreasing sequence, indicate an initial value higher than the final one START> STOP and a negative step STEP = -1

Type v:10:-1:1

>> v=10:-1:1
v =
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

You can also create a sequence of real numbers.

For example, create a sequence of real numbers from 0 to 1 with an increment STEP = 0.2 by typing the command v:0:0.2:1

>> v=0:0.2:1
v =
0.00000 0.20000 0.40000 0.60000 0.80000 1.00000

Now create a sequence of real numbers from -1 to 1 with a STEP increment = 0.5

Type v=-1:0.5:1

>> v=-1:0.5:1
v =
-1.0000 -0.5000 0.0000 0.5000 1.0000

In questo modo puoi definire e personalizzare qualsiasi sequenza numerica a seconda delle tue esigenze.

Note. This method is useful for creating a numeric sequence of integer or real values. It doesn't work with complex numbers. If you want to create a sequence of complex numbers you have to use the function linspace()

The linspace() function allows you to create a number sequence in another way.

linspace(start, stop, n)

  • The first parameter (start) is the start of the sequence.
  • The second parameter (stop) is the end of the sequence.
  • Parameter n is the total number of elements in the sequence.

I'll give you a practical example.

To create a sequence of real numbers from 1 to 10 made up of 5 elements, type v=linspace(1,10,5)

>> v=linspace(1,10,5)
v =
1.0000 3.2500 5.5000 7.7500 10.000

The linspace() function also allows you to create complex number sequences

To create a sequence of three complex numbers between 1 + 2i and 3 + 4i

>> v=linspace(1+2i,3+4i,3)
v =
1 + 2i 2 + 3i 3 + 4i

Finally, if you want to create a sequence of numbers in logarithmic scale use the function logspace()


  • The first parameter is the exponent of the initial extreme 10a
  • The second parameter is the exponent of the final extreme 10b
  • The third parameter n is the total number of elements in the sequence

For example, to define a sequence of 5 values included in the logarithmic scale between 101 and 102 (i.e. between 10 and 100) type logspace(1,2,5)

>> logspace(1,2,5)
ans =
10.000 17.783 31.623 56.234 100.000

Now you have a wide enough overview to define any number sequence in an array by Octave.

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