
Predefined functions in Scilab

This page offers a comprehensive overview of the primary commands and functions available in Scilab.

In the first section, you'll encounter essential, frequently used base commands. The second section introduces a collection of other useful commands and functions, particularly pertinent in specific circumstances.

Basic Commands

Here are some commonly used base functions and commands in Scilab:

  • clc
    Clears the command window, removing all displayed commands and results.
  • clear
    Wipes all variables from the workspace. For instance, clear x eliminates variable x from memory, whereas clear alone removes all variables.
  • disp
    Displays the value of a variable or a text message. For instance, disp(x) prints the value of variable x, while disp('Hello, Scilab!') prints the message "Hello, Scilab!".
  • help
    Provides syntax and usage information about a specific function. For example, help plot supplies information on using the plot() function.
  • length
    Returns the number of elements in a vector or the largest dimension of a matrix. For instance, length(v) yields the number of elements in vector v.
  • load
    Loads variables from a file. For instance, load('myfile.sce') pulls variables from a file named myfile.sce.
  • pause
    Halts program execution for a given number of seconds. For instance, pause(5) interrupts execution for 5 seconds.
  • save
    Stores the current variables in a file. For instance, save('myfile.sce') saves current variables in a file named myfile.sce.
  • size
    Returns the number of rows and columns in a matrix or a vector. For instance, size(A) yields the number of rows and columns in matrix A.
  • who
    Lists the variables currently in the workspace.
  • whos
    Gives a detailed list of variables in the workspace, including their size and data type.

Other Commands

Here's a roster of other usable commands and functions in Scilab:

  • a2s
    Converts an array into a string.
  • abs
    Calculates the absolute value of a number or each element of an array.
  • acos
    Computes the arccosine of a number or each element of an array.
  • acosh
    Calculates the hyperbolic arccosine of a number or each element of an array.
  • addf
    Adds two functions together.
  • adj2sp
    Transforms an adjacency matrix into a sparse matrix.
  • affich
    Displays a message in the command bar.
  • aligntol
    Aligns a matrix to a specified point.
  • alog10
    Calculates the base 10 logarithm of a number or each element of an array.
  • and
    Computes the logical AND between two arrays.
  • argn
    Returns the number of input or output arguments for a function.
  • asin
    Computes the arcsine of a number.
  • asinh
    Computes the hyperbolic arcsine of a number or each element of an array.
  • atan
    Computes the arcsine of a number.
  • atanh
    Computes the hyperbolic arctangent of a number or each element of an array.
  • balanc
    Balances a matrix.
  • band
    Creates a matrix with a band.
  • bar
    Generates a bar chart.
  • base2dec
    Converts a string of numbers in base n to a decimal number.
  • bernoulli
    Generates a number from a Bernoulli distribution.
  • besselh, besseli, besselj, besselk, bessely
    Bessel functions.
  • beta
    Beta function.
  • bin2dec
    Converts a binary number to decimal
  • binomial
    Generates a number from a binomial distribution.
  • bitand, bitor, bitxor, bitcmp, bitget, bitset, bitshift
    Bitwise operations.
  • blackman
    Blackman window.
  • blockdiag
    Constructs a block diagonal matrix.
  • boolean
    Creates a Boolean value.
  • cat
    Concatenates matrices or vectors along a specific dimension.
  • cd
    Changes the current working directory.
  • ceil
    Rounds a number up to the next largest integer.
  • chdir
    Changes the current working directory.
  • clc
    Clears the command prompt window.
  • clear
    Wipes all variables from the workspace.
  • clf
    Clears the current figure.
  • close
    Closes a graphic window.
  • colormap
    Changes or retrieves the current color map.
  • complex
    Generates a complex number from a real and an imaginary part.
  • cond
    Computes the condition number of a matrix.
  • conj
    Calculates the complex conjugate of a number.
  • continue
    Skips the remainder of the current iteration in a loop and moves to the next iteration.
  • cos
    Calculates the cosine of an angle.
  • cosh
    Computes the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
  • csvRead
    Reads data from a CSV file.
  • csvWrite
    Writes data into a CSV file.
  • cumprod
    Computes the cumulative product of the elements of a vector or a matrix.
  • cumsum
    Calculates the cumulative sum of the elements of a vector or a matrix.
  • datenum
    Converts a date and time to a serial number.
  • datevec
    Converts a date serial number into a vector of date components.
  • dbclear
    Removes breakpoints.
  • dbcont
    Resumes debug execution.
  • dbquit
    Exits from debug mode.
  • dbstack
    Displays the position of the current function in the debug file.
  • dbstatus
    Displays all breakpoints.
  • dbstop
    Sets a breakpoint.
  • dec2bin
    Converts a decimal number to binary.
  • dec2oct
    Converts a decimal number to octal.
  • dec2hex
    Converts a decimal number to hexadecimal.
  • det
    Computes the determinant of a matrix. For example, det(A) computes the determinant of matrix A.
  • diag
    Returns a diagonal matrix from a vector, or yields a vector containing the diagonal elements of a matrix. For example, diag([1, 2, 3]) returns a 3x3 diagonal matrix with 1, 2, and 3 on the diagonal.
  • diff
    Calculates the difference between successive elements of a vector.
  • disp
    Displays the value of a variable or a text message.
  • dlmread
    Reads data from a delimited file.
  • dlmwrite
    Writes data into a delimited file.
  • dot
    Computes the dot product of two vectors.
  • %e
    This constant returns Euler's number.
  • eigs
    Computes some eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
  • eig
    Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix. For example, [V, D] = eig(A) computes the eigenvalues (D) and eigenvectors (V) of matrix A.
  • eps
    Returns machine precision (minimum detectable difference between two floating-point numbers).
  • erf
    Calculates the error function.
  • erfc
    Calculates the complementary error function.
  • erfinv
    Calculates the inverse of the error function.
  • erfcinv
    Calculates the inverse of the complementary error function.
  • evstr
    Evaluates a string as a Scilab command.
  • eval
    Evaluates an expression or a string.
  • exp
    Computes the exponential of each element in a matrix.
  • expm
    Calculates the exponential of a matrix.
  • eye
    Creates an identity matrix of a specified size. For instance, eye(3,3) creates a 3x3 identity matrix.
  • exec
    Executes a Scilab script file.
  • exists
    Checks for the existence of a variable.
  • exit
    Exits from Scilab.
  • %f
    Represents the Boolean value "False".
  • factor
    Computes the factorization and returns the list of prime factors for a given number.
  • factorial
    Calculates the factorial n! of a non-negative integer.
  • feval
    Executes a function specified by a string or a function handle.
  • find
    Returns the indices of the elements in a vector or a matrix that satisfy a certain condition. For instance, find(A > 0) returns the indices of the elements in A that are greater than 0.
  • format
    Set the number of digits in the representation of numbers.
  • fft
    Performs the Fast Fourier Transform.
  • fftw
    Functions for the Fourier Transform.
  • fscanf
    Reads data from a file based on a specified format.
  • fseek
    Moves the position pointer within a file.
  • fsolve
    Solves nonlinear equations.
  • full
    Converts a sparse matrix to a full matrix.
  • fprintf
    Writes data to a file based on a specified format.
  • fread
    Reads binary data from a file.
  • fwrite
    Writes binary data to a file.
  • gca
    Returns the handle to the current entity ("get current axes").
  • gcf
    Returns the handle to the current graphical window ("get current figure").
  • get
    Retrieves the value of a specific property of a graphic handle.
  • getcolor
    Opens a dialogue box to select a color.
  • getf
    Retrieves the number associated with a figure from a handle or figure name.
  • getdate
    Returns the current time and date as a vector.
  • grayplot
    Creates a grid plot.
  • grid
    Adds a grid to a current plot.
  • gradient
    Calculates the gradient of a matrix.
  • grand
    Generates random numbers from various distributions.
  • hav
    Calculates the haversine function.
  • halt
    Interrupts the execution of the code.
  • hankel
    Creates a Hankel matrix.
  • hex2dec
    Converts a hexadecimal number to decimal.
  • hilb
    Creates a Hilbert matrix.
  • hist3d
    Creates a 3D histogram.
  • histplot
    Creates a bar plot.
  • histm
    Calculates the histogram of a matrix.
  • h2norm
    Calculates the H2 norm.
  • help
    Provides help on a topic or function.
  • hess
    Calculates the Hessenberg form of a matrix.
  • %i
    Used to represent the imaginary unit, equivalent to sqrt(-1).
  • %inf
    Infinity symbol
  • ifft
    Performs the Inverse Fourier Transform.
  • imag
    Returns the imaginary part of a complex number.
  • import
    Imports data from files in various formats, including CSV and Excel.
  • int
    Converts a floating-point number to an integer.
  • int8
    Converts a number to an 8-bits integer
  • int16
    Converts a number to a 16-bits integer.
  • int32
    Converts a number to a 32-bits integer.
  • int64
    Converts a number to a 64-bits integer.
  • integrate
    Performs numerical integration of a function.
  • interp
    Performs data interpolation.
  • inv
    Calculates the inverse of a matrix. For example, inv(A) calculates the inverse of the matrix A.
  • isreal
    Checks whether a number is real (that is, if it does not have an imaginary part).
  • issquare
    Checks if a matrix is square.
  • isvector
    Checks if a matrix is a vector.
  • isinf
    Checks if a number is infinite.
  • isnan
    Checks if a number is not a number (NaN).
  • isdef
    Checks if a variable or function is defined.
  • isempty
    Checks if a matrix is empty.
  • jacf
    This function calculates the Jacobian approximation of a function.
  • jmat
    This function returns the Pauli matrix or the J matrix of a quaternion depending on the given arguments.
  • join
    This function joins two or more matrices or vectors along a specific dimension.
  • jordan
    This function calculates the Jordan normal form of a matrix.
  • jroots
    This function calculates the roots of a polynomial with complex coefficients.
  • %j
    This is a predefined constant in Scilab representing the imaginary unit (equivalent to %i in Scilab).
  • kron
    Returns the Kronecker product of two matrices. Usage example: kron(A, B).
  • kmeans
    Performs data clustering using the k-means algorithm. Usage example: kmeans(X, k).
  • keyboard
    Interrupts the execution of a function or a script and gives control to the user. Usage example: keyboard.
  • kill
    Terminates an external process. Usage example: kill(pid).
  • kfwrite
    Writes data in Kelvin format to a file. Usage example: kfwrite('filename', data).
  • linspace
    Generates a linear sequence of points between two limits. For instance, linspace(0, 1, 11) generates 11 evenly spaced points between 0 and 1.
  • log
    Calculates the natural logarithm.
  • log10
    Calculates the base 10 logarithm.
  • log1p
    Calculates the natural logarithm of 1 plus a number.
  • log2
    Calculates the base 2 logarithm.
  • logspace
    Generates a logarithmic sequence of points between two limits. For instance, logspace(0, 1, 11) generates 11 evenly spaced points on a logarithmic scale between 100 and 101.
  • length
    Returns the number of elements in a vector or the maximum dimension of a matrix.
  • load
    Loads variables from a file.
  • lu
    Performs the LU factorization of a matrix.
  • lqr
    Calculates the optimal linear quadratic regulator for a control system.
  • m2sci
    Converts MATLAB or Octave code into Scilab code.
  • m2scideclare
    Declaration for MATLAB to Scilab conversion.
  • m2scideclareglobal
    Declaration for MATLAB to Scilab conversion.
  • m2scideclarevar
    Declaration for MATLAB to Scilab conversion.
  • m2scideclareview
    Declaration for MATLAB to Scilab conversion.
  • madd
    Adds a matrix to another.
  • mag2db
    Converts magnitude to decibel.
  • makematrix
    Creates a matrix.
  • makelist
    Creates a list.
  • manova
    Performs multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).
  • map
    Maps a function to each element of a matrix or a list.
  • matfile_close
    Closes a MATLAB matrix file.
  • matfile_listvar
    Lists the variables in a MATLAB matrix file.
  • matfile_open
    Opens a MATLAB matrix file.
  • matfile_varreadnext
    Reads the next variable from a MATLAB matrix file.
  • max
    Finds the maximum value.
  • mean
    Calculates the arithmetic mean.
  • median
    Calculates the median.
  • menu
    Creates an interactive menu.
  • meshgrid
    Creates a 2D coordinate grid used for evaluating functions over a grid. For example, [X, Y] = meshgrid(-10:10, -10:10) generates X and Y matrices of coordinates on a 21x21 grid.
  • min
    Finds the minimum value.
  • mod
    Calculates the modulus (remainder of the division).
  • nearfloat
    This function returns the nearest floating values.
  • ndims
    This function returns the number of dimensions of an array.
  • newfun
    This function allows defining new functions in Scilab.
  • newlist
    This function creates a new list.
  • newim
    This function creates an empty image.
  • neldermead
    This function implements the Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm.
  • nchoosek
    This function calculates the binomial coefficient.
  • neigh
    This function returns the matrix of neighbors of a graph.
  • nextpow2
    This function returns the exponent for the next power of two.
  • norm
    This function calculates the norm of a vector or a matrix.
  • num2str
    Converts a number into a string. For example, num2str(123) returns the string '123'.
  • oct2dec
    Converts a octal number to decimal
  • ones
    Crea una matrice o un vettore di uno. Ad esempio, ones(2, 2) restituisce una matrice 2x2 piena di uno.
  • or
    A logical operator that returns true if at least one of the operands is true.
  • ode
    Used to solve ordinary differential equations.
  • optim
    Implements various optimization methods.
  • orderfields
    Sorts or reorders the fields of a structure.
  • opengl
    Controls the use of OpenGL in Scilab.
  • output
    Configures the output of plots.
  • orth
    Returns an orthonormal basis for the rank of a matrix.
  • oldmarkstyle
    Changes the marking style for previous versions.
  • oldstyle
    Changes the figure building style for previous versions.
  • %pi
    This constant returns the value of pi ( π )
  • pade
    Calculates the Padé approximation of a function.
  • pause
    Pauses the execution of a script for a specific number of seconds.
  • plot
    Creates a 2D plot of data.
  • plot2d
    Another function for creating 2D plots.
  • plot3d
    Creates a 3D plot of data.
  • poly
    Creates a polynomial from its coefficients or its roots. For example, poly([1, 2, 3], 'x') creates the polynomial x3 - 6x2 + 11x - 6.
  • print
    Prints the contents of a variable or an expression.
  • printf
    Another print function that allows you to format the output.
  • prod
    Calculates the product of the elements of a vector or a matrix.
  • pwd
    Returns the path of the current working directory.
  • rand
    Generates a matrix of random numbers between 0 and 1. For example, rand(3,3) creates a 3x3 matrix of random numbers.
  • roots
    Finds the roots of a polynomial. For example, roots([1, -6, 11, -6]) finds the roots of the polynomial x3 - 6x2 + 11x - 6.
  • plot
    Creates a 2D plot of input data. For example, plot(x,y) creates a plot of x values against y.
  • q2e
    Converts a quaternion into a Euclidean rotation matrix.
  • q2r
    Converts a quaternion into a rotation matrix.
  • qchol
    Performs a Cholesky decomposition of positive definite matrix subject to semi-definiteness.
  • qderiv
    Calculates the derivative quotient of two vectors.
  • qeig
    Calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric/Hermitian matrix.
  • qevf
    Calculates the quasi-triangular Schur decomposition of a matrix.
  • qfft
    Calculates the Fast Fourier Transform.
  • qifft
    Calculates the Fast Inverse Fourier Transform.
  • qp
    Solves quadratic programming problems.
  • qr
    Calculates the QR decomposition of a matrix.
  • qrupdate
    Updates the QR decomposition of a matrix.
  • rand
    Generates uniformly distributed random numbers between 0 and 1.
  • randn
    Generates normally distributed random numbers.
  • real
    Returns the real part of a complex number.
  • roots
    Calculates the roots of a polynomial.
  • rank
    Determines the rank of a matrix.
  • reshape
    Changes the dimensions of a matrix without altering its data.
  • round
    Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
  • rem
    Calculates the remainder after division, equivalent to the modulo operator.
  • repmat
    Replicates and tiles a matrix to create a larger matrix.
  • rcond
    Calculates the reciprocal condition number of a matrix.
  • return
    Ends the execution of a function and returns control to the calling statement.
  • read
    Reads data from a file.
  • save
    Saves variables to a file.
  • scanf
    Reads formatted data from a stream.
  • scatter
    Creates a scatter plot.
  • semilogx
    Creates a plot with a logarithmic x-axis and a linear y-axis.
  • semilogy
    Creates a plot with a logarithmic y-axis and a linear x-axis.
  • sin
    Calculates the sine of a number.
  • size
    Returns the number of rows and columns in a matrix or vector.
  • sort
    Sorts the elements of a vector or the rows of a matrix. For example, sort(v) returns a vector with the elements of v sorted in ascending order.
  • sound
    Plays an audio signal.
  • sqrt
    Calculates the square root.
  • string
    Converts a string to a number. For example, str2num('123') returns the number 123.
  • subplot
    Enables the creation of multiple plots in a single figure. For example, subplot(2,1,1) creates a layout for two plots, one above the other, and selects the first plot for subsequent drawing.
  • sum
    Adds up the elements of a vector or matrix. For example, sum(v) returns the sum of the elements of the vector v, while sum(A) returns a vector with the sum of the elements of each column of the matrix A.
  • svd
    Calculates the singular value decomposition of a matrix.
  • syms
    Creates symbolic variables.
  • system
    Executes a system command.
  • %t
    Represents the Boolean value "True".
  • tan
    Calculates the tangent of an angle.
  • tanh
    Computes the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
  • title
    Adds a title to a graph.
  • trace
    Computes the trace of a matrix (the sum of the elements on the main diagonal).
  • transpose
    Calculates the transpose of a matrix.
  • tril
    Returns the lower triangular part of a matrix.
  • triu
    Returns the upper triangular part of a matrix.
  • type
    Returns the type of an entity.
  • testmatrix
    Generates various types of test matrices.
  • toeplitz
    Creates a Toeplitz matrix given a sequence.
  • timer
    Measures the execution time of a code.
  • tic , toc
    Measure the elapsed time between the execution of the two commands.
  • uicontrol
    Creates a user control object in a figure.
  • uimenu
    Creates a menu in a figure.
  • uiputfile
    Opens a dialog box to select a file to save.
  • uigetfile
    Opens a dialog box to select a file to open.
  • uigetdir
    Opens a dialog box to select a directory.
  • uisetcolor
    Opens a dialog box to select a color.
  • uisetfont
    Opens a dialog box to select a font.
  • union
    Finds the union of two sets.
  • unique
    Finds unique elements in an array.
  • uint8
    Convert to an 8 bit unsigned integer data type.
  • uint16
    Convert to a 16 bit unsigned integer data type.
  • uint32
    Convert to a 32 bit unsigned integer data type.
  • uint64
    Convert to a 64 bit unsigned integer data type.
  • variance
    Calculates the variance of a data set.
  • vectors
    Creates a data vector.
  • verchol
    Performs Cholesky decomposition on a variance matrix.
  • vertcat
    Concatenates vertically two or more matrices or vectors.
  • view_pixmap
    Displays a pixmap image.
  • viterbi
    Implements the Viterbi algorithm.
  • vtranspose
    Performs a vertical transformation of a matrix.
  • vsum
    Performs the sum along the vector dimension.
  • voronoi
    Calculates the Voronoi diagram.
  • vmd
    Performs the variable mode decomposition.
  • warningThis function allows you to control how Scilab reacts when it encounters a warning during the execution of a command. You can use it to enable, disable, or customize warning messages.
  • what
    This function provides a list of all the functions available in the Scilab directories and module directories.
  • whos
    This function provides a detailed list of all the variables currently in the working memory, showing their sizes and data types.
  • who
    This function provides a list of all the variables currently in the working memory.
  • writemat
    This function allows you to write a matrix or a set of matrices to a binary file.
  • write
    This function allows you to write data to a file.
  • waitbar
    This function creates a progress bar that can be used to indicate the progress of a long-lasting operation.
  • wavread , wavwrite
    These functions are used to read and write WAV audio files.
  • xchange
    Swaps a variable with another variable.
  • xclick
    Waits for a mouse click in a graphic window and returns the coordinates.
  • xdel
    Deletes a graphic window.
  • xend
    Ends the drawing phase in a graphic window.
  • xfarc
    Draws a full arc in a graphic window.
  • xget
    Gets the value of a property of a graphic window.
  • xgrid
    Adds a grid to a plot in a graphic window.
  • xlabel
    Adds a label to the x-axis of a graph.
  • xlim
    Sets the limits of the x-axis of a graph.
  • xset
    Sets the value of a property of a graphic window.
  • zgrid
    This function draws a grid on a Nyquist or Bode plot.
  • zeros
    Creates a matrix of 0s. For example, zeros(2,2) creates a 2x2 matrix of 0s.
  • zeig
    This function calculates the eigenvalues of a matrix.
  • zfrexp
    Extracts the mantissa and exponent of a floating-point number.
  • zcos
    Calculates the cosine of a complex number.
  • zsin
    Calculates the sine of a complex number.
  • ztan
    Calculates the tangent of a complex number.
  • zcosd
    Computes the cosine of a complex number, but with the angle specified in degrees rather than radians.
  • zsind
    Works out the sine of a complex number, but with the angle given in degrees rather than radians.
  • ztand
    Finds the tangent of a complex number, but with the angle defined in degrees instead of radians.
  • zfrac
    This function calculates the fraction of a number.

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